Monsey, NY Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Monsey

Monsey, New York is a small town located in Rockland County, known for its large Orthodox Jewish community. It has a population of approximately 24,000 residents and is often described as a close-knit and family-friendly community. However, there are also concerns about overcrowding and high housing costs in Monsey.

Monsey has received mixed reviews from its residents, with some praising its strong sense of community and others voicing concerns about the cost of living and overcrowding. For example, one user review on from "Sarah" states, "I have lived in Monsey my entire life and I absolutely love it. The community is so close-knit and everyone knows each other. It's a great place to raise a family." Another resident, "David," shares a different perspective, saying, "The cost of living in Monsey is incredibly high. It's difficult to find affordable housing and the taxes are a huge burden." Similarly, "Rachel" comments, "Monsey is a wonderful place to live, but the overcrowding has become a real issue. The roads are always congested and it's hard to find parking." On the other hand, "Michael" offers a more positive outlook, stating, "I moved to Monsey a few years ago and I am so glad I did. The community is welcoming and the town has a lot to offer in terms of amenities and activities."

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